Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Cowgirl Down and other Proof that Most Pop Artists are Stupid

An event destined to prove that drug-addled stupidity is not soley the province of Seattle grunge trolls and their even more addled rawk-tweaker wives (yes, I am talking about you, Courtney), it seems country star Mindy McCready decided to take an OD nap in a hotel lobby.

I do enjoy it when these kinds of folks, who routinely chastise rock stars for unhealthy, self-destructive lifestyles, fall on their own swords. Such a nice, sweet, good-old American girl that made good....lumped out in the lobby of a Hilton somewhere doing her best impersonation of an inert object. To boot, this comes on the heels of her being charged with identity theft only the week before, among several other infamy-inducing moments.

In a move that is at least as stupid but unique unto itself, Ricky Martin has dropped himself into a political fray even beyond any witticisms I can provide. I was confused enough when the former Menudo star and fine purveyor of songs to William Hung decided that he wanted to be an ambassador for random cross-cultural understanding; how articulate can a man who is willing to publically sing songs like Living La Vida Loca and Shake Your Bon-Bon be? Just read it, and try to make sense of it yourself.


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