Dropping mad science...
This strip by Chris Bishop kind of sums up a somewhat trite but oddly true occurrence: the blaxploitation of language without any respect for how that lingo forms, or that sounding "street" in an ironic manner when you are a suburbanite dweeb, especially around other suburbanite dweebs wholly removed from your current trendy afectation makes you all look deeply lame.
And this one is just funny because it takes a stab at another of my annoyances: trite acceptance of 'world music' as a term. The digereeDON'T line I heard before in Cintra Wilson's irst book,and given the weirdness of that strip, would not be surprised if the artist purloined it from there.
And this one is just funny because it takes a stab at another of my annoyances: trite acceptance of 'world music' as a term. The digereeDON'T line I heard before in Cintra Wilson's irst book,and given the weirdness of that strip, would not be surprised if the artist purloined it from there.
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