Tuesday, June 20, 2006


....or hapless chicanery.

Hilary Rosen. Hilary, Hilary, Hilary. What expletive to use to describe her convenient about-face since her exit from the RIAA? How about just say that she has a marked resemblance to Janus.

The woman, while advocating a newfound intelligence never apparent in her prior life as a shill for a borderline criminal extortion group, now finds the wave of lawsuits against general consumers to be possibly counterproductive. What I find staggering is her shifty

I do share a concern that the lawsuits have outlived most of their usefulness and that the record companies need to work harder to implemnt a strategy that legitimizes more p2p sites and expands the download and subscription pool by working harder with the tech community to get devices and music services to work better together

Most? How great is it thatyou can evade any culpa for what is very much something you articulated, advocated, and in essence architected as a standard operating procedure for your former employer.

Those lawsuits served no usefulness save as a negative PR move and as a beacon to draw scrutiny upon the practices of a largely outmoded and shamelessly corrupt institution. But to show how much she has changed, and is now committed to a position:

Speaking of DRM, it is time to rethink that strategy as well......... At some point, I will write more comprehensively about those years and these issues....then again, maybe not.

Then again, maybe she is just hedging her bets in case her next position offers her a different platform to showhorn down our throats and pocketbooks.


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