Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Petracovich - We Are Wyoming

I have heard this referred to as "bedroom folktronica" and I suppose this is as useful a descriptive (and catchy for marketing purposes) term for what is laid out on 2005's We Are Wyoming. I am not sure if this is what the sound of Wyomingians are, but if it is, Wyoming sounds pretty chill and pleasant.*

Based on her RupertMurdochpage, they/she is Santa Rosa based, and seems to gig round the Pac Norwest, when she/they are not busy making folktronica in their bedroom.

The sound is quiet and has much of the lo-fi but clean elements in post-rock but otherwise played very much in the coffeehouse folkiness range. It uses the typical minimalist beat constructions with acoustic bits interlaced over it (piano, guitars, and a string or brass bit here and there; in this case cello and trumpet) and a few less typical things (wurlitzer, kalimba, harmonica). It is an easy sound to ignore in the sense that it can easily fade into the background, but it is also eay to enjoy if you are actually paying attention. Jessica Peters has a softness to her voice that does not come off as pretentiously airy, but naturally tends to float over the spacious but delicate layers underpinning her sound. The use of harmonized vocals in spots fills the proceedings up nicely, and some of this leans towards realms frequented by folks like post-'Til Tuesday Aimee Mann, debut period Imogen Heap, and Leslie Feist (particularly her solo material, not her work with Broken Social Scene).

This will grow on you I suspect.

There is a little DIY promo video for Petracovich right over here. Downloadable to boot.

* I have been to Wyoming. It's too bloody cold, but the people are nice.


Blogger theloniusfunk said...


The DA forum version.

9:58 PM  

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