The End is Nigh!
William Hung is making a summer album of old chestnuts for release. The lead off single will be Achey Breaky Heart from that poster boy for mandatory Supercuts visits, Billy Ray Bob Billy Clyde Joe Bob Jethro Billy Bob Cyrus, that musical homunculus of twang. Other choice cuts include a complete gangbanging of Randy neuman's I Love LA and making Richard Marx's song Right Here Waiting worse than the original, which I though was a technical impossibility.
In a move of equal or greater stupidity, the US Courts give us a petit mal seizure of idiocy known as the Grokster Case.
And in very sad news, I just found out that Mark Ledford passed away last November, presumably of heart problems. I found out only because he is tributed in the new Will Calhoun disc. I very much enjoyed Ledford's work on his one solo album, as well as his contributions to the Pat Metheny Group. Rest In Peace Mark.
In a move of equal or greater stupidity, the US Courts give us a petit mal seizure of idiocy known as the Grokster Case.
And in very sad news, I just found out that Mark Ledford passed away last November, presumably of heart problems. I found out only because he is tributed in the new Will Calhoun disc. I very much enjoyed Ledford's work on his one solo album, as well as his contributions to the Pat Metheny Group. Rest In Peace Mark.
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